Dear Crazy for Caruso (crazy being the operative word):
The international agreement providing for mutual judicial assistance around the globe is in high use nowadays. It may take some time until TPTB come into gear but they will. The Campus IT-department whose IP-address you published (make no mistake, I never use my own computer - BTW I told them about my blogging) was not very amused I work in a public office after all and PUBLIC SAFTEY has to be considered. Especially in times like these. Since I don't know if you're a possible treat (Anti-stalking laws apply worldwide and are not only for celebs.) I provided what I could by copying and pasting (No use in deleting -there is a thing called CACHE. Remember?)
Keep on posting. I'll keep on collecting (Your Stat-counter will show you multiple visits - this time I had interested company.)
Keep on posting. I'll keep on collecting (Your Stat-counter will show you multiple visits - this time I had interested company.)
BTW. Wrong city, wrong map. Try again.
afraid to keave my posts up, eh Heidemarie? what are you afriad of? having people read the truth?
What truth? YOUR truth? Laughable...I just don't like cuss-words....they are so not cool.
Jesus, don't you know HOW to spell? And WHO is Heidemarie? Do I know her?
Jesus? Isn't that taking the Lord's name in vain Heidemarie?
I spell better than you could ever hope to, it's my typing skills that suck.
And if you don't know Heidemarie Schnitzer, then I'm Queen Elizabeth.
I had to laugh at your post on my blog, vixen. You think you are so clever and yet.... you just don't see it coming, do you?
(Rest deleted due to swearing....just because the girl is a gutter-bird doesn't mean that the rest of the world has to be bothered by her antics.)
it's my typing skills that suck.
...obviously....cut too deep maybe? Psychotic spell on the way again?....you are off your meds?
Well, I'm still at a loss WHO you mean by that name. Heidemarie? Sorry, but it doesn't ring a bell. However, I've learned that there is no reasoning with lunatics..
You should know about pathetic...you're the "Queen of Pathetic"
I'm the lunatic? and you dont even know your own name?.... HILARIOUS...
Rest assured, I do know my own name...it is just not the one you keep dropping. But highly entertaining, nevertheless...
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